Researchers Make A Bold Claim About Octopuses Possibly Being From Space

Even in an ocean filled with plenty of mysterious and marvelous creatures, the octopus stands out. These intelligent mollusks have flexible bodies that are capable of squeezing into tiny spaces, and they can look like something out of a nightmare when all eight tentacles start pushing them through the deep blue sea. In fact, because these animals have so many unique characteristics, there are some researchers who suggest octopuses may have origins that are completely out of this world.

Cool Creatures

Octopuses are amazing. They have huge brains, jelloid forms that can fit through minute openings, and complex nervous systems. Did we mention they’re also camouflage masters? They are highly skilled at hiding in plain sight from larger predators. To one group of researchers, octopuses seemed too good to be true.

Laying it Out

The group 33 researchers claimed to have evidence that octopuses are such strange ocean-dwelling creatures because they were the product of outer space. They published their theory as “Cause of Cambrian Explosion — Terrestrial or Cosmic?” to explain their reasoning.


“It is plausible," they said, "to suggest [octopus] seem to be borrowed from a far distant ‘future’ in terms of terrestrial evolution, or more realistically from the cosmos at large. Such an extraterrestrial origin as an explanation of emergence of course runs counter to the prevailing dominant paradigm.” In other words? Somethings about the octopus just didn't add up.

Doubting the Octopus

For instance, to these researchers, something about the octopi evolutionary timeline seemed off. They felt octopuses did not take enough time to transform from a single-celled organism into an incredibly complex mollusk, pointing to fossilized evidence that tracks the animal’s path to its modern form.